The holidays are approaching and many of us will be hosting guests for dinner. Whether it’s family or friends, we want everyone to feel welcome and loved! I used to think people just have a gift for hospitality, but we can all learn to create an atmosphere that’s inviting and warm. Our goal is to make guests feel at home.

Be prepared
I can get anxious when I’m unprepared and guests can feel it. It’s difficult to enjoy the event if we’re scrambling around finishing our cooking and excusing the dust. You get the picture. Being prepared doesn’t mean everything has to be perfect. It just means we get to the day of our celebration knowing that most of our “list of things to do” is done. When we’re prepared, we can be present with our guests and enjoy the party!

Deep Cleaning
A clean space makes guests feel welcome. Plan ahead so that most of the cleaning is done before the big day. Thoroughly clean the kitchen the week before the event. This would include cleaning out the refrigerator–not just to look clean but to allow for the space you will need for food. In addition, clean the stovetop and oven, if necessary. Then, the day of the event the kitchen only needs a good wipe down of the counters and a quick cleaning of the stainless-steel surfaces with a wipe.
The week of the event do a deep cleaning of the bathrooms early in the week. Leave the mirrors until the morning of and do a quick wipe down of all surfaces that day, finishing with a polishing cloth.
Dust and vacuum early in the week. You may need to run the vacuum in the main traffic areas the day of, but that can be a pretty speedy job and one that you can delegate to your husband or children. In addition, sweep the front porch or areas where guests will enter, decorate them if it’s holiday time, early in the week. Then, do a quick check the day of to make sure nothing needs touched up. You see the pattern here: deep cleaning early in the week so that the day of just consists of tasks that are quick and easy.
Prep Food

Many cakes, cookies, and even pies can be made in advance! I will be posting on how to freeze foods ahead of time and how to defrost them soon, so keep an eye out! There may be other things on your menu that can be done in advance.
If you’re serving fresh fruit like melon, grapes, pineapple, or berries, you can wash and prepare them the day before. This is a very time-consuming job and it’s so helpful to have the fruit ready to go. To really simplify, don’t include fruits like strawberries or apples, which don’t perform as well prepared ahead.
Chop up any vegetables the day before that you may need, like onions, celery, and carrots (I use a lot of this kind of thing at Thanksgiving for stuffing, etc.) and put them in a baggy. Depending on the dish, I will even go ahead and sauté them and put them in a storage bowl in the fridge until I need them. Obviously, if a vegetable tray is on your menu, prepare it in advance. Put your vegetables in baggies and when you’re ready just assemble your tray.
That brings me to dips, which are so popular and yummy at any celebration or dinner. Make them a day or two in advance, whether it’s a ranch dip, a BLT dip, or a hummus dip. Just open the crackers the day of and serve!
Prepare Clothing
I do my laundry as early before the event as I can, so that all my options for the party are clean. I plan my clothes as well as my husband’s for the evening and steam or iron if necessary. When the kids were little, I did the same for them and forbid them to wear what I had prepared until the party! Clothing prep can take serious time. Planning ahead makes it all seamless the day of!
Wash Party Serve Ware
Some of the serve ware you’ll be using like drink dispensers and large serving bowls haven’t seen the light of day since last holiday. You don’t want to get it out the day of the party to find it dusty, covered in fingerprints, and needing a good wash. That won’t happen to you because you’ll be so prepared. Get all your serve ware including dip bowls, platters, salt and pepper shakers, drink dispensers and serving bowls out and clean them. When party day arrives, no surprises! Being prepared is how to make your guests feel at home.

Food, Food, Food

Have Plenty
I’ve always thought that good food fills the heart as well as the belly, so what could make guests feel at home more than good food? I’d rather have too much than not enough, so I always recommend shooting high on food amounts.
Have Lots of Variety
If you know your guests well, you’ll be able to tailor your menu pretty easily. Also, if it’s Thanksgiving you’re preparing, your menu may be well defined already. However, if you’re entertaining a group you don’t know as well, you may want to have a nice variety. I like to always have meat as well as alternatives to meat, like pasta or noodles. For guests who may be gluten intolerant or eating low carb, I like to have plenty of fruits and vegetables. You get the point–everyone should have plenty of choices. Charcuterie is a great option!
Serve Appetizers
Appetizers are wonderful. They’re delicious, and they encourage conversation in the early part of the party when everyone is getting comfortable. A good dip cures a lot of awkwardness!
Have Child-Friendly Foods
If your celebration includes children, serve some child-friendly items. Also, omit anything that would be a disaster for a child to have. For instance, if I know there are going to be children, I’m probably not going to put red buttercream-iced cookies on the buffet. That would just be begging for stress for me and for their parents! On the other hand, I want to have plenty of treats that they will really enjoy. I also like to have sippy cups, so their parents can relax and not worry about spills. Sometimes how to make your guests feel at home, is to provide a space that is even more peaceful than their own homes.
Give Instructions

Give your guests a brief set of “welcome” instructions. “The bathroom is here, appetizers are here and you’re welcome to eat them anytime, trash goes here, this is where you’re sitting, etc.” I’ve been to weddings where I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do, or where I was supposed to sit, and I felt a little insecure. Once I knew the plan, I was good. I never want my guests to feel unsure of things. When they feel secure, they have the confidence to feel at home. They will look for things they need, and even help in the kitchen if that’s what I need. When people feel secure in their surroundings, they feel more at home, and that’s our goal!
Include your guests
It’s okay to ask for help from your guests. It might even be fun for them! If you’ve made them feel comfortable and secure in your home, asking them to carry something to the table will only make them feel more at home. Obviously, you might not want to ask them to prepare a complicated dish or chop a bunch of onions and celery. That should never happen because you did that in advance, right? But asking them to open the crackers and put them on the platter will only make them feel that they’re a part of your family. They’re at home.
Create a Warm Atmosphere
Create an atmosphere that just feels welcoming. You can never go wrong with candles. They give immediate warmth and ambience. Shy away from candles that are fragrant as they can compete with the wonderful aromas from the kitchen! Have plenty of seating so that everyone is comfortable. I’ve even brought some of my outdoor furniture in to expand our seating capacity. It looks kind of cool anyway! Throw some blankets across the couch and chairs. Something about throws just says, “Relax and enjoy.”

Love your guests
This may be the most important element in making your guests feel at home. Don’t be afraid to express your gladness that they’re visiting. Sit down and try to be fully present with your guests, no longer thinking about getting ready for the day, but enjoying the moment. These are precious memories that you’re creating for your guests as well as your own family. Enjoy them!

It’s me, Kim! As a mother of five, now grown children, I have cooked my fair share of dinners and desserts, and have learned a few things along the way. I hope to share what I can with you. Enjoy and I hope this article brings joy to you and your family!